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  Yuanda hardware products Co.Ltd,is an innovative manufacturer specializing in designing and producing window and door hardware.
  Due to our long-term apply ourseives to the application of stainless steel to window and door hardware;we have become one of the best professional manufacturers for the stainless steel friction hinge.
  Via act on our own research and develop,we have developed many stainless steel products with “Yuanda”style,for example the stainless steel roller,half moon lock,handle and drive rod .
  Based on our absorbed in the stainless steel hardware,Yuanda assured its leading position in the window and door hardware industry.
所在地区:广东省汕头市 查看电子地图
主办:中国建筑金属结构协会建筑门窗配套件委员会 (Email:ptjwyh@263.net) ICP证:蜀ICP备10002967号-3
服务热线 0832-2203290 2203846(tel) 0832-2201098(fax)
Email:windoor168@163.comCopyright © Windoor168.com, All Rights Reserved 中国门窗&配套材料网,版权所有